The end of a good film is always the start of an interesting conversation.

Where it goes after that is up to us.

Any era or genre, it's all accepted here. Let the Detour begin...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

day 69 - Will Ferrell's Top 5 Films

OK film fans I'm just about to call it a night, need to rejuvenate my spirit to prepare for the onslaught. Fortunately the weekend is almost upon us so I may see if I can sleep for 24 to 36 hours. Straight. But until then I thought I might soothe my mind with some senseless comedy. As I was trying to figure out which film to watch several of Will Ferrell's films came to mind because that's his bread and butter. Then it dawned on me, I haven't whipped out a Top 5 in while. So let's get the formalities out of the way and get this mutha started.

Actually, before we get started I'd like to point a few of my favorite things Will has done that aren't film related. Most of us know him from his skits on SNL, which included a little cowbell action. Then he had a nice moment on the Oscars a few years back. Recently he's hit (literally) with online videos and an HBO show. Unfortunately, he hasn't had as much success recently with his film roles. Despite that I think you'll find he's got more than enough good work to fill out my Will Ferrell's Top 5 Films list.

Honorable Mention. Step Brothers See, what did I tell you? I couldn't even narrow it to 5 films. This may not be his most accessible role, but as seemingly low IQ step brothers, Will and John C. Reilly are unrelentingly stupid. The premise is so outlandish it makes me laugh every time I watch it.

5. Talladega Night: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby The first time I saw this I really didn't think it was very funny. But thanks to it playing for 8 straight months on HBO it began to grow on me.

4. Blades of Glory Leave it to Will, who's 6'3'' and decidedly pudgy, to play an Olympic level ice skater/ bad boy/sex addict who teams up with a waif-ish Jon Heder to skate as a pair after both get a lifetime ban from skating as singles. Will plays Chaz Michael Michaels as part Craig the Spartan cheerleader and part Robert Goulet, always on and mostly sleazy.

3. Stranger Than Fiction Come on, did you honestly think I wasn't going to slip one non-comedy role in here? This was a tossup with Winter Passing, mostly because it also stars Zooey Deschanel, but Stranger Than Fiction is a better film. Will plays Harold Crick, a straight laced IRS auditor whose life takes major turns when he begins to hear his life being narrated. If you haven't seen this it's definitely worth a rental.

2. Elf Will's first crossover film showed he was more than just a comedian. He shows some real skill in this film as a man-child in transition. It doesn't hurt that this is the most recent addition to the catalogue of Christmas classics.

1. Old School/Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy I couldn't really pick between the two listed here so since's it's my damn blog I picked them both! Frank the Tank is the seminal culmination of Will's supporting roles in other films. After creating such an unforgettable characterture of the Peter Pan Frat boy he graduated to the Peter Pan Newsman in his first starring role. Both are priceless comedy creations that are some of the funniest characters of the past decade.

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